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Tall fashion - for tall women – clothes that really fit you.

How can you make your clothes even more suitable for your figure

How can you make your clothes even more suitable for your figure

If you belong to that five percent, you can skip this blog. But for all other ladies I show you how you can make your clothes fit.

No matter how beautiful a piece of clothing is, if it doesn't fit you don't look good in it. It makes the difference between being 'dressed' and 'well-dressed'. You can even get into a perfectly seated one jeans and a simple one shirt look stylish.

The clothing of LongLady is based on a length of 184cm (most common length among tall women) and a bust width of a C-cup (average cup Dutch women). However, there are also women who are shorter or taller than the average 184cm. The pants or dress may be too long, but don't panic because they can always be shortened. Making a garment longer is a bit more difficult, but the pants of Longlady often have a wide hem that can then be extended a few cm.

And there are women with an A cup, but also with an F cup. The woman with a smaller cup can take in that curve in a blouse or blazer, for example. The woman with the F-cup will be able to buy a size larger and make adjustments (or have them made) at the waist, for example.

So you will understand that clothing is almost never 100% right without changing something.

1. Clothing should adapt to your body and not the other way around. So if you are longer than the average height used by the clothing (168 cm) or if you have wide hips or large or small breasts, it is not your fault that clothing does not fit well. There is only one size system (38, 40, 42, etc.). However, there are 7 different body types. Obviously it is not possible to produce clothes for every one of those body types. Take the trouble to have your clothes altered in such a way that it is 'made to fit you'. You will be amazed at what a few small changes can do for your appearance, but certainly also for your state of mind. Because shopping for days on end, looking for the blouse that fits perfectly, despite the fact that you don't measure 1.70m and don't have a perfect figure, doesn't make you happy.


2. Have you never been to a tailor or dressmaker because you find it difficult to explain what you want changed in your garment? Or do you think it will be very expensive? Look for a seamstress or (Turkish) tailor in your area and ask for experiences in your area. You don't have to worry about the costs, for example, making a pair of trousers shorter costs around € 7,50.

3. Do some preliminary research. You know very well at what points the clothing often does not fit you well. You can take a piece of clothing to a tailor / seamstress to discuss the changes you want with him or her. She/he can also tell you immediately what it will cost. With this in mind you can make your new purchase.

4. A good seamstress (tailor) can tell you what needs to be altered in the garment. She will also always ask you what you want, such as a clearer waistline in your jacket. She will start pinning, so you can see what the result will be. She will also explain to you why certain things are not possible.

5. It is important that you have some knowledge yourself. It starts with a good knowledge of your own body, such as which clothing models make you look your best, what the perfect length is for your jackets and skirts, and so on. In addition, it is important that you also know a little about what is possible in the field of modifying clothing.


The most common and easiest changes:

• trousers, dresses, skirts and tops can be made shorter and sometimes even longer (explained);
• sleeves can be shortened and sometimes even extended (expanded);
• sleeves can be taken in;
• trousers, dresses and shirts can be made narrower or more fitted;
• the waistband can be taken in;
• skirts can be made narrower/narrower;
• chest width or cup size can be made narrower/smaller;

A few things you can do (or have done) to immediately look better:
• If the pockets of your trousers/skirts 'give way' at hip height, you can have them sewn shut or even removed for a slimmer-looking effect.
• A shoulder seam that is too low can be taken up to the natural angle of your shoulder to make the garment fit better and give you a sharper silhouette.
• Extra (vertical) darts in a blouse, for example, can give you more 'shape', especially recommended for women with large breasts.
• If you have flat buttocks, the back seam of your pants can be taken in, so that you don't have an air bubble under your buttocks.
• Sleeves can be taken in if they are too wide.
• Clothing can be made smaller, but not much larger. Always make sure that the garment fits well at your widest point - such as hips, shoulders and bust.

What problems do you encounter when buying clothes? Give your comment below.



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