
With our savings system you save as a customer (with an account) for a discount on your purchases.
The loyalty points program is our way of thanking you as a customer for ordering from Longlady.NL. By becoming a registered customer you are assured that you can participate in this loyalty points program. Customers earn loyalty points with every order that can be used as a discount on a future order. Points are awarded for purchases. These points can be deducted from your order during check-out. The loyalty points program started on July 7, 2020. All the above promotions will earn points from this date.
What are my loyalty points worth?
Earn 1 point for every euro spent, which is equivalent to 0,02 euro cents or 2%. 100 Loyalty Points is worth €2,00. Here are some examples:
You place an order of € 100. You then earn 100 points, which is equal to € 2,00. Suppose you place another order of € 200. You earn another 200 points, which corresponds to € 4,00. You have a total of 300 loyalty points.
There is a minimum number of loyalty points before you receive a discount. This minimum number of loyalty points is 250 points (being € 5,00 discount).
Loyalty points are calculated on the total amount of your order (excluding shipping costs).
The points earned will be awarded when the order is placed, you can then see the amount of points when you are logged in at the bottom left of the “Loyalty” button on every page of the website.
Important for awarding points is that you must be logged in to your account.
What are the conditions?
Loyalty points can only be earned and used for online purchases and are only validated at longLady.nl. Loyalty points are non-refundable and non-transferable between customers.
Loyalty Points are not transferable or redeemable for cash under any circumstances.
Loyalty points cannot be earned on canceled orders or returned items.
When redeeming loyalty points, you will still need to select another payment method if not enough loyalty points have been earned to cover the cost of your purchase.
When calculating the loyalty points earned, shipping costs are excluded.
Loyalty points expire after 4 months.
Loyalty points expire after 4 months.
Loyalty points are only available to registered longlady.nl customers.
How can I view my earned loyalty points?
At the bottom of the page you will see a button "Save for a discount". If you are logged in, you will see the balance of your points here.
Do I need to create an account to earn points?
Yes, it is necessary to log into your account in order to earn points or to see how many points have been earned.
I have returned a product. Will the points also be deducted from my account?
Yes, the points earned will be deducted from the total points after returning products.
How can I redeem the points I have earned?
* Log in to your account
* Go to the tab "Saving for a discount"
* Go to Redeem your points

Choose here which voucher you want to receive for a discount. Click Redeem.

When you have clicked redeem you will see a code appear. You can enter this in the "discount code" field on the checkout page.
You can see an overview of your vouchers under "My vouchers"

If you do not have enough points to pay for the entire order, the store will automatically indicate the remaining amount as the amount to be paid.
Minimum spend with a voucher of €25 is €75, with a voucher of €15 a minimum spend of €45 and with a voucher of €5 a minimum spend of € 25, -
How can I see an overview of my points?
You can see an overview by clicking on the "Overview" tab.

Here you can see when you have received and spent points.

Are there any product restrictions?
No loyalty points are given on products from the Sale or Warehouse Sale. Gift vouchers are also excluded from the loyalty points program. This is manually corrected on your points.
Please note, we reserve the right to make changes to this policy at any time without notice or liability.